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Computational Logic in Multi-Agent Systems

Sixth International Workshop


CLIMA VI is supported by the EC IST programme, under the SOCS project, within the FET Global Computing initiative; by AgentLink III, and by the Association for Logic Programming. Post-proceedings will be published in the Springer LNAI/LNCS book series.


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Program Committee

  • José Júlio Alfers, New University of Lisbon, Portugal
  • Rafael H. Bordini, University of Durham, UK
  • Gerhard Brewka, University of Leipzig, Germany
  • Jürgen Dix, Technical University of Clausthal, Germany
  • Thomas Eiter, Vienna University of Technology, Austria
  • Klaus Fischer, DFKI, Germany
  • Michael Fisher, The University of Liverpool, UK
  • James Harland, RMIT, Australia
  • Katsumi Inoue, National Institute of Informatics, Japan
  • Antonis Kakas, University of Cyprus
  • Evelina Lamma, University of Ferrara, Italy
  • João Leite, New University of Lisbon, Portugal
  • Paolo Mancarella, University of Pisa, Italy
  • Paola Mello, University of Bologna, Italy
  • John Jules Ch. Meyer, Utrecht University, The Netherlands
  • Leora Morgenstern, IBM T.J. Watson Research Center, USA
  • Wojciech Penczek, Polish Academy of Sciences, Poland
  • Jeremy Pitt, Imperial College London, UK
  • Enrico Pontelli, New Mexico State University, USA
  • Fariba Sadri, Imperial College London, UK
  • Ken Satoh, National Institute of Informatics, Japan
  • Renate Schmidt, University of Manchester, UK
  • Trao Can Son, New Mexico State University, USA
  • Kostas Stathis, City University London, UK
  • Wiebe van der Hoek, The University of Liverpool, UK
  • Cees Witteveen, Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands

Organising Committee

Workshop Chairs

Competition Chairs

Local Organisation Chair

Web Support

  • Federico Chesani, DEIS, University of Bologna
  • Fabio Bucciarelli, DEIS, University of Bologna

The CLIMA workhsop series

The first workshop on Multi-Agent Systems in Logic Progamming was held in Las Cruces in December 1999, in conjunction with the Sixteenth International Conference on Logic Programming (ICLP). In the summer of 2000, ICLP was co-located with other major events and hosted at Imperial College London under the umbrella of CL 2000. Ever since, the international workhsop on Computational Logic in Multi-Agent Systems (CLIMA) has been a forum to discuss techniques, based on computational logic, for representing, programming, and reasoning about multi-agent systems in a formal way. CLIMA is now in its sixth edition: CLIMA V was held in Lisbon on the 29 th and 30 th of September 2004. Former editions have been conducted in conjunction with other major Computational Logic and AI events such as ICLP in December 2001, FLoC in August 2002, and LPNMR and AI-Math in January 2004. Selected papers from previous editions have been published in special issues of international journals and in volumes issued by international publishers.

CLIMA V received 35 submissions, showing that the logical foundations of multi-agent systems are currently considered, by a large community, as a very important research topic upon which to build when addressing classical AI and agent-related issues such as agent planning and interaction. A program committee of 24 top-level researchers from 11 countries and 12 additional reviewers selected 16 papers for presentation, authored by 46 researchers worldwide.

Steering Committee


Last updated November 22, 2004